Tatort Europa: Asyl und innere Sicherheit in der EU (Scene of crime: asylum and internal security in the European Union)

Dublin Core


Tatort Europa: Asyl und innere Sicherheit in der EU (Scene of crime: asylum and internal security in the European Union)


Articles in German on: - Schengen & refugees - Schengen Agreement from a Scandinavian point of view - Freedom of movement, asylum and immigration in the new EU treaty - Secrecy policy of Schengen and the EU - Temporary asylum for Bosnian refugees - Schengen: Implications on Poland's asylum and migration policy - Data collection in the EU (EURODAC) - The new enemy image: asylum seekers, car thieves and drug dealers - Police cooperation with Central and East European states - Holland & drug policy - EU adopts Extradition Convention


Bonn, 1997


Initiative gegen das Schengener Abkommen


EU 777



Bonn, 1997, “Tatort Europa: Asyl und innere Sicherheit in der EU (Scene of crime: asylum and internal security in the European Union),” accessed May 8, 2024, https://statewatch.omeka.net/items/show/7757.

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