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  • Tags: State

Issues 1 - 31 (1977-1982)

Special Issues:

State Research Pamphlet 1: 'The Secret State', EP. Thompson
State Research Pamphlet 2: 'Policing the Eighties - The Iron Fist'

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1-39, 41 -43, 45/46 - 47, 49-50, 53-57, 60-69

Special Issues:

They are Children Too
Racism: The hidden cost of September 11

Political change Economic reconstruction Military adjustments

Tags: ,

"This book traces the development of the major political tendencies of the period 1921-72, in particular the successive strategies of Northern Ireland's rulers. It analyses the emergence of these forces in relation to structural changes in Ireland…

The State Debate Marxism, Sociology and Poulantzas's Theory of the State Capital, Crisis and the State The Fordist Security State and New Social Movements Accumulation Strategies, State Forms and Hegemonic Projects State, Class Struggle and the…


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